Apr 9, 2015

“All the world’s a platform.”

 Okay, Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage.” Forgive the Bard, but the times they-are-a-changin’.

Today’s world is full of platforms. There are platforms for almost anything you can imagine. Today, more than ever, you have the ability to find the right platform for your message.

In this historic opportunity also lies the danger – communicating the wrong message for the platform. You have to choose wisely. You have to know the difference between Facebook and Craig’s List. What tweets well might not twork twell on tumblr.

Most of the time, when people say they don’t understand the value of social media, they don’t realize that “media” means many different things. Media is a plural… as in many channels. You don’t really watch TV. You watch different programs on different channels on TV. Or Hulu. Or Netflix.

Which social medium is best for your marketing? No one can tell you that until they learn about your business, what your message is and what your goals are. Only then can you determine the right mix of the right platform is for you.

Don't give your integrated marketing a medium effort. Do it right.

If you would like to find the right platform to market your message, let me know at jhenke@henkeinc.com.


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