Nov 26, 2017

The Nag Knows.

Thank God for the Nag.

Has there ever been a more hated word than the word, “Nag?”

You see it and it makes you cringe. Someone does it to you and the hair on the back of your neck stands straight up. Side topic – why don’t we ever lose the hair on the back of our necks?

I’m here today to argue on behalf of the word “nag.” The smear of the Nag stops here today. The nag is not the problem. The issue is that all of us are all-too-human and we know that the nag is right. Who knows what shame lurks in the hearts, minds and souls of all of us human beans?

The Nag knows.

The Nag knows that the emperor wears no clothes. The nag knows the naked truth. About you. Me. Them. Everybody.

Think Blues Brothers:

needs somebody…
needs somebody…
to Nag.

The Nag isn’t the problem. The Nag is just the messenger. It delivers the painful jolt to your soul in the pit of your stomach that something has to be done. And it’s all up to you.

Instead of admitting that it’s all up to you, yourself, and you… you shoot daggers at the Nagger.


Think of it this way. If the Nagger did not love or believe in the Nag-gee, they would give up. The nag would be reserved for someone who was worthy of their belief, their faith, and their love.

The next time someone nags you, smile and let them know who much you appreciate it. They care.

Here’s the (even more painful) internal twist – the Nagger and the Nag-ee are often one and the same person. Yes, you can nag yourself. If this happens to you, don’t take it as a sign of self-loathing. It’s a sign of self-loving. You still have hope for yourself.

Now, don’t waste the nag. Get off your ass and do something. Don’t just follow your dream… forge your dream.

Dream. Do. Done. Next.

Thanks Nag. I love you, too.

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