May 14, 2014

The Next Blog Thing

Social Media Convictions Must be Fluid

The social world seems to spin even faster than the real world. Just when you think you’re up to speed on the new Facebook algorithm, either it has changed or Facebook is the new myspace.

So how can you expect to develop strategy when the electronic battlefield changes every day? How can you deliver smart, strategic deliverables when the only constant state is a state of flux?

When a client asks you what you recommend, they’re asking what you truly believe
in. This is tricky. We’ve all been taught to be consistent, and to respect people who are steadfast in their beliefs.

In the social world, you have to be flexible. You need to keep your eye on your goals, but be ready to adjust your course based on the best way to connect with your audience.

You have to make your knowledge and value available when and where it works. The only way to do this is to do what we do in the “real” world… listen and learn.

And, you have to be fluid. Not inconsistent. Fluid, as in being ready to take the form of what’s flowing. You can only be a resource if you can navigate it through the system to your brand advocates.

Keep your content consistent. Your values, both corporate and personal, should be consistent. Your Brand Essence statement (we’ll cover Brand Essence in an upcoming post) will keep you on track here.

Stick to your convictions. Be steadfastly fluid with how you deliver them.

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